How do I find a book or article my professor put on reserve?

How do I find course reserves for my class?


To access what your professor has put on reserve for your class, go to the Course Reserves page on the library website. You can view what's on reserve by Course, Instructor, Term, or Subject


When you find your course in the list, click the title of the course and you'll see a page that lists everything on reserve for that class.

Physical books, DVDs, and articles on reserve are located at the Circulation Desk in the front of the library. They will be listed as "Held at the Circulation Desk." You can check those items out using your Salve ID and use them in the library.

Professors also put digital materials on reserve, such as eBooks, streaming video, or PDFs of articles or book chapters, which you access through the reserves page for the course. Simply click the link and use your Salve email username and password to login to view the materials.



For more information on how to access reserves, check out the handout "Course Reserves How-To," linked below.

  • Last Updated Sep 19, 2023
  • Views 381
  • Answered By Salve Librarian

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