How do I book a study room?


You can book study rooms at McKillop Library by clicking the “Book a Study Room” link from the Quick Links navigation menu on the library home page. On the reservation landing page, select the block of time you want on the day and time slot grid – available times will be shown as green blocks, unavailable times will be red blocks.












Each study room has an info icon you can click to learn about what technology the room provides. Study rooms can be booked up to 3 days in advance; choose the day and time(s) you want to reserve and click the “Submit Times” button:












Next, you'll see some information about study room policies, and then be prompted to enter your name and Salve email address. Once you click the “Submit my Booking” button, you'll see a confirmation page with your booking and receive an email confirmation. Hang on to this email, just in case you need to cancel your booking.

We’re happy to help you book a study room or answer any questions! Stop by the library or give us a call at (401) 341-2291.

  • Last Updated Oct 18, 2024
  • Views 404
  • Answered By Salve Librarian

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