How do I format APA headers in a Word document?


The APA Style Blog has a post on Running Heads and another post with sample papers, if you would like to take a look before following the instructions below.

Creating headers in APA style:

The running head is an abbreviated version of your title (if your title is more than 50 characters), typed in all-caps, left-aligned in the page header, across from the right-aligned page number.

From the APA blog's sample paper, you can see an example below. 

PC (Windows)

While in Microsoft Word:

  1. Click the “Insert” menu.
  2. In the “Header & Footer” group, click the first option, "Blank Header."
  3. Still in the “Header & Footer” group, click “Page Number,” select “Top of Page” then “Plain Number 1.”
  4. Put the cursor to the left of the page number. Type the paper title in all caps. If it is over 50 characters, use a shortened version of the title.
  5. After typing the title, type tab until the page number is on the right of the page.  


While in Microsoft Word:

  1. Click "Insert" and then "Header & Footer" and choose "Blank. " 
  2. Brackets with "[Type here]" will appear, left-aligned. 
  3. Still in the "Header & Footer" group, click Page Number, then under Alignment, choose Right.
  4. Number 1 will appear, right-aligned.
  5. Type your paper title, all-caps, up to 50 characters to replace "[Type here]".


  • Last Updated Sep 30, 2024
  • Views 14397
  • Answered By Salve Librarian

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