When are my books due? How do I renew a book, does the library charge fines, and how do I access my library account?


You can log into your library account to see when any items are due and renew eligible items by going to: https://salve.on.worldcat.org/myaccount

The library does not charge overdue fines, but if you don't return a book after multiple overdue notices, you will receive a bill for the book to your account with the Salve business office. Learn more about bills in this FAQ.

You can check out up to 25 items at one time.

McKillop Library loan rules and periods:

Patron Type  Main Collection  Browsing & New Releases  Media (DVDs, CDs, BluRay, Cassettes)
Faculty, Ph.D Candidate  3 months (2 renewals)  1 month (1 renewal)  2 weeks (1 renewal)
All Others  1 month (1 renewal, 25 items)  1 month (1 renewal, 25 items)  1 week (1 renewal, 10 items)


Due dates for HELIN requests or interlibrary loan items may vary. 

If you have questions about materials you have on loan from us or another library, email our circulation department at slcirc@salve.edu or call the library services desk at 401-341-2291.

  • Last Updated Oct 16, 2024
  • Views 164
  • Answered By Lisa Richter

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